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Writer's pictureSuore Pastorelle

A community of Pastorelle in the city of Córdoba – Argentina

“Be merciful as your Father is merciful” (Luke 6:36)

This verse of the Gospel that the Liturgy proposed for Monday, February 26, 2024 has marked the beginning of our presence in this community of the Commercial Neighborhood of the city of Córdoba, Argentina, in the “Jesus Christ Savior of the World” Parish, where we are called to bear witness to the mercy of the Good Shepherd by sharing life with this portion of the flock that has welcomed us with warmth and family spirit, together with the parish priest Father Pablo Viola.

P. Pablo had invited, a few years ago, the Pastorcitas Sisters to carry out itinerant missions in the vast parish territory, in which, in addition to the different forms of usual pastoral service, it is characterized by committed work in prevention and accompaniment. in addictions and other vulnerabilities. We are certain that this complexity decisively drives us to live in everyday life, the exhortation of Pope Francis to “roll up our sleeves” and go to meet the peripheries and the existential and material poverty most in need of today's society, and touch with hand the reality of the brother and sister who suffer “having the same feelings as Christ Jesus” (cf. Phil 2:5).

That same Monday the 27th, Father Pablo celebrated the Eucharist together with the parish community with the fraternal presence of Father Martín Dolzani, priest of the San Pablo Society, and Sister. Cecilia Fraile, Disciple of the Divine Master (two Pauline Congregations present in Córdoba), which has filled us with great joy and gratitude for her presence as a Family.

We are deeply grateful to God for this beginning that we call “an adventure of the Spirit” because he prepared the way in an admirable way, showing his loving presence through different signs and with the mediation of different people (priests, lay people, Pastors) who have made possible our presence as a Congregation in Córdoba lands.

Our gratitude also to the Superior General, Sr. Aminta Sarmiento, and the Provincial Superior, Sr. Mirina Ibarra with their respective Councils, for supporting us and accompanying us closely and “believing” with conviction in this experience full of challenges that opens new paths in our mission of Pastorelle, paths of Hope.

Thanks to all the Pastoritas of the Hispanic America Province and the Congregation, and to the Pauline Cooperators, for being present with prayer and fraternal affection.

Sr. Marisa Loser, sjbp

“The Pastorelle are souls who have deepened the doctrine of Jesus, who have acquired the charity of Jesus, who live united to Jesus and are all His; They are divided into small groups, they establish themselves in a parish where they consider the souls as their own, by adoption; They feel linked to them during life, death, eternity...

They collaborate, in terms of the apostolate with the parish priest, to instruct and care, to destroy evil and do good, to convert and sanctify, to lead to Christian life and a good death, with the program of the parish priest and of love: to die every day to save every day.

These will be the sisters, the mothers, the teachers, the catechists, the consolers of all pain, a beneficial and continuous ray of light in the parish.” (AS, p 60)

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