On February 25, 2024, the third Diocesan Catechetical Conference was held. The catechists were welcomed with great joy and enthusiasm, in the main hall of the Catedral Divino Espírito Santo, with the theme: Catechetical Psychopedagogy, advised by the Catholic missionary Altierez dos Santos (doctor in Religious Sciences, master in Languages of Religion, Specialist in Catechesis, graduated in History and Philosophy).

The Conference began at 7:00 am, with the participation of around seven hundred catechists from all districts, the presence of religious men and women, some priests from the diocese and the diocesan bishop Dom Joaquim Carlos Carvalho, OSB.
It was a day of great joy, relaxation, training, information and a moment of spirituality. The conference certainly added greater knowledge and motivated the catechists to always have more love for the Word of God, the centrality in the person of Jesus and to prepare themselves well to carry out their mission.
The closing was with mass, at Catedral Divino Espírito, and the bishop thanked everyone in the person of Dona Neusa Helena Mendonça, diocesan coordinator of the Catechesis, the catechesis advisor Fr. Brenno França Borges and all the catechists, encouraging them to have always unity, communion and centrality in the person of Jesus Christ.
A very important point was that the catechist needs to have a lot of patience with the person being catechized, he must welcome him with love and not become discouraged, as the mission of being a catechist is extremely important for the Church, it is the heart of the Church.
Sr. Selma Aparecida de Souza, sjbp