Jesus the Resurrected brings new LIFE to everyone.
Faith and Hope are renewed!
The Parish of Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Adrianópolis/PR, was graced, this Holy Week, from March 24-31, 2024, with the presence of Father Valdez – from the Congregation of Pauline Priests and Brothers – São Paulo and the Laity Wellington L. E. Dangui, Graziele Andrada de Matos and Benedito F.F. Junior. Father Valdez visited families, attended confessions and celebrated in nine communities in the Parish.

Wellington Luiz Espineli Dangui, celebrated at the Nossa Senhora da Maternidade Community in the Vila Mota neighborhood:
“In the joy of the resurrected Christ, it was a thrill to be able to celebrate Holy Week in the Vila Mota Community, in the simplicity of the people, in the affection of the community's welcome, in the sharing and gesture of each person towards others. Christ, the light of the world, lives in every Christian who celebrated Holy Week, today and always, hallelujah.”
Glasiele Andrade de Matos, celebrated in the São José Community of Bairro Praia do Peixe:
“My experience was magnificent, the community was attentive to everything that was happening, with the desire to experience Jesus in that moment of prayer. The experience was extremely important for my spiritual growth, fraternity, present love, children in prayer and deep faith prevailed. Being a servant of Christ is the greatest ministry we can be in, it is in it that we grow and strengthen in fraternal life, we learn the value of forgiveness and reconciliation.”
Benedito Florindo de Freitas Júnior, celebrated in the São Pedro de Tatupeva community:
“For me it was an opportunity that I saw at the parish meeting on March 3rd where it was discussed the possibility of people from one community leaving to help with celebrations in other communities. As there are 4 ministers of the Eucharist in my community, I made myself available to help in other communities during Holy Week, regardless of where I was. For me it was a great blessing because I experienced moments that I didn't imagine would happen the way they happened. I realized that the community was wanting to celebrate that moment that would mean a lot to them, I felt that it was the moment to put myself at the service of the Lord and, through the anointing of the Holy Spirit, lead the community to meditate every hour on Jesus' sacrifice out of love for us. I praise God for that!”
We, Sisters Maria Sueli Berlanga, Seli Rico and Ângela Biagioni, as well as Father Daniel (Parish), celebrated in the other Communities.
This Holy Week was quite significant, as many of the Communities did not celebrate the Easter Triduum. With the presence of all of us, they were able to experience the beauty and importance of celebrating the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus.
Jesus the Resurrected brings new LIFE to everyone. Faith and Hope are renewed. Celebrating Easter transforms us!
Sr. Angela Biagioni, sjbp