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Writer's pictureSuore Pastorelle

Holy Family Institute

The purpose is the sanctification of conjugal and family life

On February 22, 2024, there was an online meeting, with the presence of two couples who had already celebrated their vows at the Instituto Santa Família, and a few more couples, who were invited to visit the same Institute added to the Pauline Family. Father Devid Rodrigues dos Santos Tavares, Priest Paulino, and I, Sr. Lusineide Cardoso de Melo, from the Sisters of Jesus Bom Pastor – Pastorinhas, were present.

The Meeting was coordinated by Father Devid, delegate of the Superior General of the Pauline Fathers and Brothers, for the monitoring, in Brazil, of the Institutes that are part of the Pauline Family.

Eduardo Burin and his wife, who already belong to the Santa Família Institute, gave a brief presentation of it and the specific charisma, which Blessed Alberione, inspired by God, assigned to the members of the Institute. The couple Alexandre and Elisangela also gave their testimony of how they got to know the Institute and what their experience has been like, with the entire training process they had and the joy of being part of it, as well as the joy of having embraced this vocation as family. They said that before they participated in various movements and pastorals in the Church, but were separated, but with their journey at the Santa Família Institute, they began to participate in movements and pastorals, together with their children: it is the family united in the service of the Church, it is like family that they have their moments of prayer and the cultivation of spirituality.

After this sharing, the other participating couples were given the opportunity to ask questions and clarify some doubts, all of whom were very happy and interested in the proposal. Families from Maceió/AL and Jataí/GO were present.

I think that as the Pauline Family, we need to publicize this treasure that Blessed Alberione left for the Church, paying greater attention to Brazilian families. If we want a healthy society with Christian experiences, this Santa Família Institute makes it possible to seek and experience holiness, following the model of the Family of Nazareth, as well as awakening vocations for the different vocations in the Church. “A family that prays together, stays together.”

At you will find a brief summary of the Santa Família Institute.

Sr. Lusineide Cardoso de Melo, sjbp

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