Who we are
We are the Sisters of Jesus Good Shepherd “Pastorelle”, a Congregation founded by Blessed James Alberione on 7 October, 1938, as part of the Pauline Family, whose Institutes are identified in the one apostolic project to communicate Jesus Christ, Way, Truth and Life to the world.
The name we bear is for us 'memorial' of Christ who died and rose again so as to gather into one the scattered children of God, and it is a 'call' to live in communion with Him for the sake of his Kingdom.
Our specific charism is to share in the pastoral mission of Christ, building up Christian communities in communion with the Pastors of the Church, and in collaboration with those who are dedicated to pastoral care.
The ministry that we perform springs from the love of the Lord and of his Church and finds expression in evangelization, catechesis, liturgical animation, formation of pastoral associates, and in other forms of service, according to the needs of the times and places.
The person of Jesus Good Shepherd, loved and lived by us as Way, Truth and Life, is the source from which we draw the spirit and style of our life: from Him we learn to know and love the people of God; to live the compassion that becomes word, deed and closeness; to build relationships of reconciliation and fraternity.
It is the centrality of Christ that gives meaning and makes it possible for us to accept the gift from the Spirit to live chaste, poor and obedient lives, in the experience of fraternal life in community, which day by day is a reminder of the unity in Christ, to which we are called.