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Official logo of the Congregation



The logo, constituted by a triple ellipse that wrap the terrestrial globe, on which Jesus Good Shepherd crucified is engraved, expresses/signifies the vocation in the Church of the Sisters of Jesus Good Shepherd, Pastorelle, called to share the pastoral ministry of Christ at the service of the humanity.


It is an ellipse open upward that welcomes Christ Crucified, the only Savior of the world. He is presented as the Good Shepherd: Ego sum pastor bonus. The ellipse is also open on the right side to welcome the Latin initial of the Congregation: sjbp (Sorores a Iesu Bono Pastore), the Sisters who belong to Jesus Good Shepherd and have been called to make visible His care as Shepherd for all men and women.


The dominant color is blue, reflection of the sky and of the sea, but of God are also present the other colors of the rainbow, sign of the beauty of God’s work. On the right prevails yellow, color of the light and gold, which indicates the holiness of God and the transparency of creation that came out from the hands of the Father and the breath of the Spirit passed through.


Red dominates the inferior part, color of the blood in which life exists, blood poured by Christ on the cross to redeem man from sin and to ransom, together with him, the whole creation, that groans while awaiting for salvation (Rom 8, 22). The red is also the sign of the fire of the Holy Spirit who purifies and transfigures everything in the beauty of God. Christ rests on the green color which indicates humanity redeemed by Him.




The three ellipses are compared to the womb of the Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Spirit, heart of Christian revelation, spring of Life that won’t die. It is an open and welcoming womb that gives life and salvation to the entire creation and wraps in a free and gratuitous Love the whole humanity, symbolized by the terrestrial globe.


The face of the Trinitarian Love is Christ Good Shepherd, Crucified and Risen, in the act of giving life to gather the dispersed children of God and to bring them back to the Father. It is the Son, whose divinity-humanity has assumed the flesh and the history to render them divine. Children in the Son, by now our humanity has entered the mystery of God and nobody in the world is excluded by the salvation worked by Christ. The Pastorelle Sisters are immersed in the light of the Trinity and from this spring of Life they draw energy to live and to announce the Gospel and to this spring they lead Jesus Shepherd’s flock entrusted to them, so that all may have life and life in abundance. (Jn 10:10).


The three ellipses can also remind the three Christological dimensions that the Founder has proposed us as hinge of our spirituality: at the center is Christ Good Shepherd Way Truth and Life (Jn 14:6). He is the new and living Life that leads us to the Father, the Truth that makes us free, Life that fills us with joy. With Christ, for Christ and in Christ rise our hymn of praise to God and the offering of our life given for the pastoral mission.

Finally, these ellipses express the dimension of communication which for us Pastorelle, faithful to the inheritance of Don Alberione, are called to live, in the spirit of the Pauline Family.

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