On June 15-20 we had the opportunity to experience a school camp in Cassego-Sestri Levante with the first and second year middle school students. They were intense, beautiful and profound moments.
The Gospel text that accompanied us was John 4, the Samaritan woman, with the theme: "FACE TO FACE", because when a person meets someone for the first time who does not know, he is a stranger to the other. This also happened with Jesus, a stranger to the Samaritan woman and she a stranger to Jesus. But, in opening the heart, in dialogue, we discover that we too are strangers to ourselves, because new things come out of us that we did not know, positive and negative, which can be a discovery that enriches us, but we must also trust and rely.
This experience helped us to enter deeply into our inner well, where we discovered our strengths, weaknesses, defects, uncertainties, fears, but also hopes of our daily life. We were very impressed by the enthusiasm of the animators, their organizational ability and responsibility in the mission of animating the camp. They did everything with love and dedication. We had a great experience and also woven new relationships with the kids, their parents and the animators, together with the warm welcome of the parish community and our sisters of the Sestri community.
After this experience from 02 to 31 August we were at the community of Verona "Casa Alberione" and Negrar "Maria Madre del Buon Pastore". They were moments of sharing our joys, our life, our efforts with our older sisters and opportunities to lend a hand in various services.
From this experience we learned that it is possible between two generations to live dialogue and coexistence, that we need something else to live and that we can build integrated communities.
We were very struck by seeing our sisters who gave their lives in the mission for love of Jesus and still follow him today, donating their prayers for the missions, for the young people in training, for the benefactors and also for the families. It edified us to discover how the sisters help each other, despite the efforts and limitations.
We thank Jesus the Good Shepherd for this grace that he gave us to live in the summer months: everything helped us to grow in the relationship of love.
Sr. Atija Albino e sr. Jacinta Gaspar, sjbp