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South Korea Delegation

The Pastorelle Sisters in Korea are a Delegation composed of 26 Sisters, living in 6 different communities. 


The Delegation has five communities one of which is the Central House with a Kindergarten attached to it and is home for Sisters who are studying. It has one formation-community for those in initial formation, and it is also home to the Sisters who are engaged in part-time  ministry to migrants and multicultural families. There are three other communities based in three different parishes in the dioceses of Seoul di Anndong, and each community has three Sisters involved in pastoral care. On weekends, the Sisters help out in the International parish of Han Nam Dong, the Centre for immigrants in Gasan, the inter-congregational Centre "Friends without borders" and in our downtown centre "SUN HAN" for multicultural families.


One of the Sisters is involved in ecumenism at the national level with the Korean bishops’ Committee, and another is part of the bioethics committee of the Diocese of Seoul. There is a Sister appointed by the Korean Major Superiors who acts as animator for the formation of Sisters engaged in parish ministry.

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