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Writer's pictureSuore Pastorelle

A new House for the Training Community in Nampula

On April 16th, after 3 years of living in rented houses, we were happy to move into our own house. In our space, we experienced several important moments such as the Feast of Jesus Bom Pastor, on Sunday, April 21st, when, in the morning we animated the liturgical celebration at the headquarters of the São Francisco Xavier Parish, in Nampula, Mozambique, in which we operate pastorally.

At the end of the same day, during Vespers prayer, our trainees passed stages: postulants Amélia, Carmelita and Filomena renewed their commitment for the second year; Aspirants Gilda and Francelina, passed to the postulancy stage; Aspirants Ilda and Olinda, renewed their commitment for the second year; the vocations Frázia, Inocência, Marta and Verónica went on to the aspirantate stage. We also welcomed the young Belmira, Eunícia, Justina, Márcia, Maria de Fátima, Odete and Virgínia to the experience as internal vocations, a stage we call “Come and See”.

And to complete our joy and gratitude, on April 27th, the date on which we remember the Beatification of our beloved Founder, Blessed Tiago Alberione, we had the Eucharistic Celebration, presided over by the parish priest Padre Pinho and concelebrated by Padre Ângelo, who then blessed the new training house. Our sisters from the Pemba community, Sr. Franca, Sr. Elisa and Sr. Verónica, some religious and lay people were also present. We are living in this time, grace upon grace, experiencing the closeness and generosity of everyone. Many thanks to the General and Provincial Government, to each sister and benefactor, for providing us with this dignified, beautiful and conducive environment for formation and evangelization.

Sr. Raquel Raquel Mariano de Souza, sr. Noémia Jacinto dos Santos,

sr. Zita Abel Nacomo e sr. Verena Atanásio, sjbp

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