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Course on the Charism of the Pauline Family in Brazil

The Lord turns on lights when we need them”

Blessed Father James Alberione

Founder of the Pauline Family

From July 18 to 29, 2024, the Course on the Charism of the Pauline Family in Brazil took place at the Retreat House of the Pauline Sisters in São Paulo/SP. This course takes place every year, divided into 3 modules, with this edition being the 2nd module.

The Opening Mass was celebrated on July 18 at 6:00 p.m. by the Vicar General of the Society of Saint Paul, Fr. Bugoslaw Zeman, and concelebrated by Fr. Antônio Pimienta, General Councilor, and Fr. Francisco Galvão, member of the Course coordination team. Also present were members of the Charisma coordination team: Fr. Antônio da Silva, ssp; Sr. Júlia, pddm; Sr. Josefa, fsp; and representatives of the congregations Sr. Marlene, fsp; Sr. Suzana, ap; Sr. Cristiane, sjbp; and Sr. Vera, pddm.

At the beginning of the celebration, participants received a lit candle, symbolizing the flame of the charisma, each person's commitment to keep it alive and present in the Church.

There were 25 participants, members of the Pauline Family: Pauline Clergy, Pauline Sisters, Pious Sisters Disciples of the Divine Master, Pastoral Sisters, Apostolic Sisters and Pauline Cooperators.

The 10 days were spent experiencing the Pauline Charism, studying and deepening the origins and thoughts of Blessed James Alberione. The coexistence and sharing as a Pauline Family also made it possible to experience unity and belonging. The daily Eucharistic Celebrations were very meaningful and nourished the meaning of Christian life.

On July 29, at 10:15 am, there was the concluding Celebration, with the presence of Father Antônio da Silva, ssp, promoter of the Charisma Course in Brazil. Ten participants completed the three modules of the course, completing the course.

There were 7 Little Pastor Sisters participating: we, juniors, Sr. Gabriele Camelo de Moraes and I, who are in our second year, as well as the Sisters and Cooperators, who completed the course with this module and left their testimonies:

Sister Maria Helena Santa Catarina: The course on the Charism brought me an experience of Faith and theological reflection on Alberione's thought, and it continues the edification of the Pauline Family. A sign of belonging: I am part of the Pauline Family! I thank the Province for giving me the opportunity to participate.

Sister Carmelita Pereira de Jesus: The course on the Charism for me was like entering a well and finding crystal clear water, gushing out a lot and without stopping. It always makes you want to drink. I thank the Holy Trinity for its action in Alberione.

Sister Elena Zorzo: It was a deep dive into the sources of the Pauline Family and a powerful experience of coexistence and sharing. An opportunity for personal growth in love for Jesus, the Master Shepherd, the Way, the Truth and the Life. Thank you to all the Sisters of the Province for this grace.

Sister Lídia Vilani: We are chosen to be with Jesus: mind, will, heart and body. What impressed me was the testimony and life of all the Congregations of the Pauline Family. The qualities of these people were: a spirit of prayer, acceptance of challenges, humility, listening to God and to the Founder, Father James Alberione. Each day was lived at that time to thank Jesus more and more, to value with all their might the acts of love for God, and in the midst of suffering and uncertainty in the foundations, they always trusted in God. For me, in the entire context of the course, many lights and insights emerged from my mission and the roots of the Charism.

Sister Nilva Costella: For me, the Charisma course was a moment of revitalization of the charisma and our pastoral mission in the Church. Knowledge, study, deepening, prayer, coexistence, sharing and synodality. It was also a sign of strengthening unity with the Pauline Family in Jesus, Master Shepherd, Way, Truth and Life.

Pauline Cooperator Nilziany Bandeira Guedes: I am grateful to God for granting me life, joy, desire and strength of spirit to complete each stage of this Course on the Charisma of the Pauline Family. More than a course, it was a unique opportunity to live with members of the various apostolates and “get drunk” on Pauline spirituality. Ten shades of the same Pauline color. “Unity in Diversity”, just like our blood family. Alberione was very sensitive in listening to the Spirit. May we also be able to respond to the Father's highest will.

Pauline Co-operator Ana Alice Paião: For me, the charisma course was a remarkable experience of living in the Family, of the Pauline Charisma and Spirituality.

Praise and gratitude to Jesus, Master Shepherd, for all that He does in the Pauline Family! May the Lord of the Harvest awaken in more people the desire to follow Christ as members of the Pauline Family!

sr. Ana Paula Salton, sjbp

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