The meeting began in the afternoon on January 25, in Peru, with a sharing of life carried out by the juniors Romina Soledad Testa, Mariani Joselin Camejo Jaimes and Paula Andrea Torrijos Berrío accompanied by Sr. Erika Cabrera Castillo, from the beginning we experienced the presence of the Holy Spirit inspiring us to welcome the graces that Jesus the Good Shepherd has prepared for our meeting.

We participated in moments of formation led by Sr. Carmen Toledano (Religious Sister Agustina), Juniora Leidy Maritza Toro García from Italy joined these meetings online.
The Hna. Carmen, inspired by the Gospel of John 15, 4-11, proposed us to rediscover the experience of the vows through three dimensions: intimacy, fertility and ecstasy.
I invite us to live united to the roots, to think and vibrate with what is fundamental: intimacy with the person we love, the Good Shepherd, he is the one who sustains us, he is the Lord of our life, of our communities, of our Congregation that makes us fruitful. and makes us participate in this ecstasy, with the grace of conversion day by day, to look back at him.
Also, we live moments of recreation and walk together with some sisters of the community and the preparation of the program of the Juniorate of 2023.
Finally, from January 31 to February 7 we live the spiritual exercises, organized by the CONFER Peru directed by Father Simón Pedro, Benedictine Monk. Who invited us to assume "a new commitment to trust - a spirituality of grace".
We give thanks to the Good Shepherd and to the Province that gave us this time of formation, fraternity and relaxation.
Sr. Paula, sr. Mariani e sr. Romina, sjbp