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Pastorelle Sisters in Vocational Mission in Centenario do Sul/PR

A presence that still marks and makes “burn” the hearts and memories of the people.

From June 9 to 13, 2023, the sisters Adriana Fogaça and Rosilene de Lima were on mission in the city of Centenário do Sul, in the north of Paraná. 40 years ago, the Pastorelle Sisters ended their 26-year mission in this place, leaving a great legacy of zeal and educational and pastoral care, with the tenderness of the Good Shepherd. A presence that even today marks the hearts and memories of the people. Upon returning to this land on a mission, a great feeling of gratitude emerges that expands in our hearts. Listening to people remembering the Sisters who went there and what they accomplished... It's a Blessing! “We thank you O Jesus Good Shepherd!”

The mission we carried out there was organized by Mrs. Ana Miranda, dedicated, creative, hard-working leader of the community, in dialogue with the parish priest Father Paulo Martins, who invited us to hold a retreat for 125 young people and teenagers, whose requested theme was: “To be confirmed is to respond to the call and sending of the Lord to the missionary disciples”. We focus on growing on a path of holiness, in the small gestures of everyday life, “letting the grace of Baptism bear fruit”. Growing in friendship with Jesus, living as friends of Jesus, a friendship that is cultivated in listening to the Word. Let yourself also be enlightened by the testimonies of the many saints, past and present, who faithfully lived their life and mission.

An opportune space to broaden a reflection on the meaning of life were the spaces of the Schools, which are so challenging in current times. Mrs. Ana Miranda, in dialogue with the directors of the schools: São José de Anchieta, Sister Osmunda, state school Fr. José Pires and the São José school, scheduled a work with the different classes in the different periods. A visit to the various classrooms was opportune, a brief dialogue with students and teachers, a message of life. Awaken in young people the desire for a more humane, less intolerant life, that our existence in the world is meaningful, luminous and illuminating.

Thank you Lord for this opportunity that made our history relive. Gratitude for the affectionate and generous welcome of all those you have placed along these days on our journey. Bless everyone with Your Kindness!

Sr. Adriana Fogaça, sjbp and Sr. Rosilene de Lima, sjbp

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