The Enlarged Provincial Council meeting was held on 19 - 20 April 2024 in the Provincialate in Quezon City. It was attended by the local superiors of the different communities, including the communities of Australia and Saipan, who joined us online. The vocation directress, formators, school heads, and the respective finance officers of the schools also participated.

Sr Amparo Hilot, the Provincial Vicar, animated the opening prayer and welcomed each sister. Then Sr Purisima Tanedo shared by a brief review of the history of the province, which helped us recall the journey of the different realities throughout the succeeding years.
The first day was dedicated to listening … Guided by questions: aspects that helped us to be the presence of the Good Shepherd with a merciful gaze both toward oneself and toward community and suggestions on how to be molded ever more by the love of Jesus Good Shepherd, the superiors shared the journey of their respective communities with varied creativity. We were enriched by the sharing because we were able to contemplate how each community, basing from their communitarian-apostolic projects, started to live the General Objective in their spiritual and apostolic endeavors.
The afternoon session was dedicated to the reports of the formators, school heads, and finance officers. We are grateful for the formative journeys of our young formands and for the accompaniment of the formators and the formative communities. We are equally grateful for the educative and formative services of our two schools toward the young generations. The financial status of the Province was presented by Sr Vilana Laluan. We were amazed at God’s providential care and therefore are invited to be good stewards and administrators of the gifts received.
The second day's session was dedicated to the presentation of the journey of the entire Province, after the10th General Chapter: post chapter animation, visits to the communities, events and activities lived together as a Province and as Pauline Family. A brief evaluation on the four programmatic areas was also presented.
We recalled the name of the groups during the Provincial Chapter: staff, rod, cloak, pouch, pebble, lamp, axe, flute, sandals, food and water. We reflected and shared on how we can reciprocally sustain each other, allowing ourselves to be molded by the love of Jesus Good Shepherd. The sisters presented their reports creatively and with much hope for the future journey.
We thank the Lord for the gift of fraternity, experiencing the joy of being together. What a good way to end the assembly with the Eucharistic celebration for the Feast of Jesus Good Shepherd, presided by Fr Alan Cabatian, OAR.
Sr. Saturnina Caccam, sjbp