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Annual Spiritual Exercises – First Group

To become integrated missionary and vocational communities

From January 21 to 29, at Pousada Bom Pastor, Caxias do Sul/RS, we had the opportunity to experience the first annual retreat group of the Little Shepherd Sisters of the Jesus Bom Pastor Province. This year, continuing the prayerful deepening of the General Objective of the Congregation for the Sexennium 2023-2029, we prayed the second part of it: “Let us become integrated, missionary and vocational communities”. We had the joy of having Sister Maria Inês Carniato, fsp, as our advisor, strengthening our communion with the Pauline Family.

We lived these days in a serene and participatory atmosphere, in a very welcoming environment. For the Eucharistic celebrations and confessions we had the dedicated and friendly participation of the Capuchin Friars.

We traveled the eight-day path looking at the Holy Trinity, Saint Paul, Mary the Shepherd and Jesus the Good Shepherd, confronting our vocation and mission.

We return to our communities refreshed and challenged to be a presence of hope in this jubilee year.

Sr. Inês Postal anf Sr. Adriana Cortelini, sjbp

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