The Group of Pauline Cooperators of Eldorado, aware that their MISSION is the same as that of Jesus: “I came so that everyone may have LIFE”, in the annual program, decided to serve some Communities in the Parish of Nossa Senhora da Guia – Eldorado/SP. In one month the Group formation meeting will take place and in the other, support for a Community.
This MISSION has already begun: on 25/02, the first visit of Pauline Cooperators to the São Benedito community, in Bairro Serrinha, took place. As Pauline Cooperators we have the mission of announcing to the world Jesus Master and Shepherd, the Way, Truth and Life.
We participated in the Celebration, shared the Word, experienced fraternity, witnessed the joy of being a PAULINO COOPERATOR and invited anyone who felt called to this vocation.
This MISSION of being present in some Communities is a commitment beyond the one we already have with our original Communities.
Maria Aparecida Ponciano
Group of Pauline Cooperators