All the Sisters of the Province
With the joy of seeing each other again, after two years of the pandemic, we, Pastorelle Sisters of the Padre Alberione Province, based in São Paulo, head to the House of Prayer of the Pauline Sisters, for the Annual Spiritual Exercises, with the theme " Rooted in Jesus the Good Shepherd, in the communion of relationships, reaching out to suffering humanity” (second part of the General Objective of the 9th General Chapter), which took place from January 14-20, 2022.
The advisor, Fr. Eliomar Ribeiro sj, brought as an initial appeal “let yourself be led by the Spirit of God”. With great aptitude, simplicity and provocation, he helped us to pray, realizing who the Lord is who moves our hearts, always trying to bring us closer to God and to others, in the process of configuration with the Good Shepherd, in the search for holiness in everyday life, making us more and more free for the mission.
Contemplating the exuberant nature, enjoying the favorable space, breathing in a pleasant climate, were days of deep reflection and a lot of prayer, favored by the collective silence.
Graced by the gift of this dynamic stop, which renewed our strength, renewed our hope and enlightened our Pastoral journey, we express our gratitude to the Province, to Father Leomar, to the Pauline Sisters and the community of the participants, who collaborated so that everything went according to plan. the wished. God be praised for all these gifts!
Sr. Bertila Picelli, sjbp
San Jose community
From January 4th to 6th, 2022, the annual retreat was also held with the community of Casa São José, dedicated to the care of the elderly and sick Sisters, guided by Sr. Rosilene de Lima, sjbp, with the theme “Rooted in Jesus Bom Shepherd". Sisters Margarida, Margarete, Letícia and Cáritas participated willingly, engaging in reflection and enjoying the dynamics and moments of meeting and sharing life, in harmony with suffering humanity.
On the second day, we prayed for the Community and Relationships: knots to be untied, impatience in listening, not wanting to compromise... We celebrate the bonds of love, dialogue, kindness, listening with responsibility and interest.
On the third day, we prayed the Encounter with the suffering community, the signs of resurrection, hope, courage, strength to fight, the safe path, prayer.
Compassion for the people is born: so many who died during the Pandemic, with the virus or its consequences, the growing number of poor, without housing, food, health, employment...
We are grateful to Sr. Rosilene, who was willing to help us, with content well prepared for our reflection and prayers. We thank God for everything!
Sr. Cáritas Zamonaro e Sr. Margarida Dalle Grave, sjbp