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Writer's pictureSuore Pastorelle

“Be One – Mission 2022”

From January 30 to February 8, 2022, the sisters of the Community of Salta, Argentina, carry out our mission in the original Wichís and Choretes peoples who reside in the province of Salta, department of Rivadavia- north band in the municipality of Saint Victoria East. Local youth, married couples and two diocesan priests participated in it. Mariano Cordeiro and Martin Simonassi.

We were enlightened from the beginning of the mission by the Evangelist John, who invites us to live the priestly prayer of Jesus “Be one” (Jn 17). We also meditate on some words of Pope Francis in the encyclical Fratelli Tutti where he invites us: "Poverty, decadence, the suffering of one place on earth are a silent breeding ground for problems that will ultimately affect the entire planet. In the face of so much pain, in the face of so much injury, the only way out is to be like the good Samaritan. In many parts of the world there is a lack of paths of peace that lead to healing wounds, artisans of peace are needed willing to generate processes of healing and reunion with ingenuity and audacity."

Motivated by these thoughts, we learned new things and visited new places, where expectations were born within the community of natives and Creoles, sowing little by little the harvest of forgiveness, of taking refuge in the Lord with the confidence that even in the midst of vicissitudes or the pain of hunger, the illness that frequently afflicts the answer: to be signs of peace and builders of the kingdom, a kingdom that belongs to all and for all from love.

We were able to perceive how the Word bore abundant fruit with the passing of days, because seeing the beauty of Jesus in the limits, his grace motivated us to feel privileged to contemplate from the heart concrete faces and his salvific presence even in the midst of this challenging reality.

Each one of the members who participated came out as missionaries since uninstalling ourselves from our daily rhythms allowed us to be like Mary who visited her cousin, Saint Elizabeth, bringing comfort, support, joy and hope to these forgotten brothers.

Sr. Mariana, sr. Alicia and sr. Paula

Salta Community

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