The summer period of the Pastoral Center of Fermentim, "Jezusi Bariu i mirë", was intense and rich: in the months of June and July, the children and young people, in fact, were involved in the summer camps, which we have been able to offer them for some years , thanks to those who continue to give us the necessary means to live these experiences of human, spiritual and very good growth to strengthen the physical health of our younger brothers.

From the end of June to mid-July we were hosted in Kryezi, in Fushë-Arrëz, in a house that the Capuchin fathers, especially Father Andreas Waltermann, and Sister Gratias Ruf, a missionary, have been offering for some years with generosity for the period of the school fields. In Kryezi we experienced the first two camps, in June with the children of their first communion and in July with the boys who received confirmation, who, accompanied by us, the Pastorelle nuns and animators, were invited to further growth in self-knowledge , in the relationship with God and with others, in the light of the Word of God, in particular of the journey of Moses and the Gospel of Matthew. Day after day, a climate of fraternity grew, favored by a new way of being together and of giving rhythm to the day: time for prayer, personal and group reflection with related workshops, services, sports, playtime , the discovery of the resources of the place, immersed in the greenery of the mountain, with clean and fresh air and water. In both camps in Kryezi, the presence of a married couple was significant, who in addition to having offered their service in the kitchen, were an edifying witness for the children and young people.
The third camp, held at the end of July, gathered a more varied group, which included children up to thirteen years of age. This time the destination was Velipoja, which for three years has seen us as guests at the Order of Malta's campsite, "Maltezer", from which we are offered a great benefit for the health of our children, who thus have the possibility to breathe sea air every day and, at the same time, to open up to relationships with groups from other dioceses, growing in gaining experience of integration with other boys.
We thank the Lord for all the love we have received in this summer time, for the generous providence with which he has come to meet the children and young people of Fermentim and their families, through those who have opened the door of their hearts and made themselves available in a free, especially those young animators of Fermentim who donated part of their summer time by putting themselves at the service of the little ones.
May the Good Shepherd continue to give us light, guide us and bless us.
Pastorelle Sisters, Fermentim – Shkodër