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With Love everything becomes Gift

Writer's picture: Suore PastorelleSuore Pastorelle

Sowing is the first step on a pedagogical path [...]

The sower is God the Father; the Church and the world are the places

where he continues to scatter his seed abundantly,

with absolute freedom and without any type of exclusion,

a freedom that respects that of the land where the seed falls.

(NVNE, 33)


The Vocation Animation Service is a task and gift placed for the growth of the Congregation and the entire Church. To better develop the work, the Expanded Team of the Jesus Bom Pastor Province, Caxias do Sul, met on January 14-15, 2024, to reflect, evaluate and project activities for the next sexennium, thus following the planning and organization of the Congregation. We know the importance of having a Team of Sisters who think, articulate and stimulate all vocational work in the communities, in the Church. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the process on the path of faith and this requires organization so that the action itself becomes a testimony that attracts and reaches the hearts of young women.

Throughout the reflection, the need to strengthen Vocational Culture throughout the pastoral action that is developed in our insertions was confirmed. Continuing the project of Jesus the Good Shepherd who calls and sends to mission, “reviving the gift of God in us” (2 Tim 1, 6).

We grow in the experience of our vocation by placing the Person of Jesus the Good Shepherd at the center of everything. This is the call that rings in our ears every day. We want to be Integrated, Missionary and Vocational communities, leaving ourselves shaped by the Love of Him who is the vocation of the Father, par excellence.

We want together, Sisters of the Expanded Team, the communities and lay people with whom we work, especially our Pauline Cooperators, to launch ourselves with joy and audacity: strengthening the Vocational Teams in the Parishes and/or Dioceses where we operate, encouraging communities for experiences of coexistence with young people and vocations, vocational weeks, monitoring and collaborating with the activities of the CRB, Dioceses, Missionary Areas, walking in unity with the Pauline Family and the Pastorinha Padre Alberione Province.

With great joy we also participated in the renewal of vows of Junior Sister Ana Paula Salton, concluding our meeting. A YES that is renewed in the heart of a Sister is always a sign of hope for us to continue in the certainty that everything is from God and we are his instruments in making his wishes come true.

We ask that Jesus the Good Shepherd always finds our hearts open and available to welcome his light and his desire and that our humble work may continue to help the Province, the Congregation and the Church grow in service and pastoral presence in society and the world.

Sr. Eunice Grespan, sjbp

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