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Writer's pictureSuore Pastorelle

Young people searching for their path

Vocation, choices, world: Where am I going?!


The Pastorelle Sisters of the Londrina/PR community welcomed two young women for a meeting on Sunday, April 14th. It was a very significant moment where the Word and Life were prayed. The theme that guided the meeting was the thirst and the search to listen to the call that Jesus makes to each person, in a world context that does not always favor the experience of faith in the Christian journey.

We are beings under construction

What we are, what we do and what we fail to do reveals, delineates more clearly our own identity. In this interaction: me, the world, others, things, a way of being, of living is formed and in each look, in each gesture, in each word, relationships are being built. In everything there remains something of us that, in some way, impacts on others and around us. Nothing we do passes without leaving “marks”.

In search of the Master

In the light of the Word of Jesus in John 1:38, we reflected on personal searches, on how they happen. Jesus asked those who followed him: “What are you looking for?”, but he continues to ask today: “What are you looking for? How do they look? What are they looking for?” It is important to stop and listen to your own heart because in a context of countless opportunities and proposals one can easily confuse the existential choices we make.

A moment with Jesus in the “Spiritual Desert” helped the young women to look at their personal reality and question themselves about their own journey, their life. It was up to each one to respond to their searches and what they will specifically do to respond to the vocation to which Jesus calls them.

May Jesus the Good Shepherd help each young person to grow in the awareness that God's Love marks our lives and that our actions and choices manifest the maturation of our faith and the experience of the vocation to which we were called.

Thank you to Sisters Ângela, Aneti and Salette for welcoming the young women and for the beautiful work in partnership in promoting life and vocations in the region of Paraná/Brazil. Let us continue in communion of prayer and mission.

 Sr. Eunice Grespan, sjbp

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