Brazil - San Paolo Province
The province, Father Alberione, counts 48 sisters with one of them at the service of the General Government. We have 10 communities in various States of Brazil. In communion with the bishops, priests and lay leaders, we are present in urban and rural ministry. The Province is also the seat of the Inter-province Novitiate
Our communities are engaged in the training and animation of basic ecclesial communities, leaders, youth, Bible groups, catechesis, liturgy and sacraments, missions and pastoral education. One community is in charge of the "Institute Divina Pastora” School. Some Sisters are involved in projects in defense of the life of children, alternative medicine and people’s struggles for justice. In the diocese we are involved in works to save children, Bible ministry and catechesis, and in the defense of the rights of Quilombos. We have a community that welcomes those who are in need of care for health reasons, and another community that coordinates and cares for the life and mission of the Province.