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Writer's pictureSuore Pastorelle

10 years walking with the Good Shepherd and his people in Cuba

Where are you Good Shepherd? Follow the footsteps of the sheep (cf. Ct 1,8)

The shepherd will be found where the sheep is...

(Pope Francis)

With immense gratitude and joy we have celebrated 10 years of our presence as a Congregation on Cuban soil. The Eucharist was celebrated together with the parish community of Nuestra Señora de la Caridad del Cobre – Cantel – on Sunday, November 6, 2022, presided over by the current bishop of our Diocese of Matanzas, Msgr. Juan Gabriel Díaz Ruiz, and concelebrated by Bishop Emeritus Mons. Manuel de Céspedes and Fr. Jesús Marcoleta, our parish priest. In addition to the members of the Cantel community, numerous members of other communities in which we collaborate were also present, an expression of the affection and joy that we share with them.

We are grateful for the fidelity of the Good Shepherd who has always led us, sustained us and strengthened us in the proclamation of his Word, his mercy, his hope. He has shown us the way and has providently provided what is necessary to remain next to his people, walking together, sharing his life.

We thank our superiors for their trust and support throughout these years.

We appreciate the welcome of this Diocese of Matanzas, which has received us in the person of the then Bishop Mons. Manuel de Céspedes and Fr. Jesús. It was Fr. Jesús who, having learned of the existence of the Pastorelle through the Daughters of Saint Paul in Santo Domingo, seconded the voice of the Spirit to request the presence of our Congregation in Cuba.

We thank the parish community that has welcomed us, accompanied us and

continue to accompany us.

We appreciate the prayers and good wishes of each one of you Sisters, and of all those who accompanied us in the celebration, knowing, as Saint Paul teaches, that the prayer of intercession for one another bears fruit.

After the Eucharist we share a fraternal moment.

Sr. Chiara Raccuglia and Sr. Aurelia Casimiro. sjbp

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