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Apostolic mission in the local Church

Writer's picture: Suore PastorelleSuore Pastorelle

Our apostolic mission in the local Church is characterized by the service of the Word in evangelization and catechesis, liturgical animation, the training of pastoral leaders, as well as those other forms of service which conform to our charism in accord with the needs of time and place. (Rule of Life #10)

On Sunday 11 June, the Children Liturgy Team of St. Monica and St. Martin Parish, gathered for an evaluation, and an enrichment of the Children Liturgy which is offered twice a month during the Parish weekend Mass. The morning was facilitated by Carol Sullivan, the Parish Children’s Liturgy Coordinator and Sr. Rita Ruzzene.

Over a cuppa and some scrumptious sweets the ten team leaders had the opportunity for some camaraderie and fellowship while sharing something of their experience in animating the Children Liturgy. When we gathered as a group we brain stormed what we found energising; what could be improved and enhance the children’s love for God’s Word.

For our prayer we followed the rite of the Children’s Liturgy and used the Gospel for Sunday-John 6: for the feast of the most precious Body and Blood of Christ. Rev. Deacon Andrew Kirkbride broke the Word for us highlighting the importance of enabling children to feel wonder and awe when the Word is proclaimed and shared, leading children in growth of their faith.

Wanting to ensure that children look forward to gathering for the fortnight Children’s Liturgy some practical suggestions emerged for the future- using more creative engaging activities, music and chanting, ensuring that children take the work sheet home, share its message with family members and every so often placing children’s activities in the foyer of the Church to be shared with parishioners.

Each team leader indicated how they valued the workshop and together decided that on the last Sunday of each month we would gather for 30 minutes after Mass to plan how we could better present the Gospel message of the Sundays of the coming month.

Working with children and being touched by their spontaneity, simplicity, their curiosity, their joy and delight it such a precious gift and experience that no money or reward can buy.

Adelaide Community

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Jun 15, 2023

Creativity and fun to help children appreciate and enjoy the liturgy is a must. Well done and congratulations on your working together as a Team.

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