On the 26th and 27th, the 30th of June, and the 1st and 2nd of July, I participated in the VIII National Meeting of the School of Forgiveness and Reconciliation (ESPERE). In the first two days, the meeting took place online - live, we reflected on the first day: ✨ Inspira ESPERE: Reflections, experiences and activities - ESPERE / Fundamentals of Restorative Justice, with the participation of members from Belo Horizonte, Varginha and Bogotá. Second day the theme was: 🌻 “Forgiveness – Gift and Commitment in the face of the fragmentations and polarizations of the current context”.

On June 30, 2023, the meeting continued in person, at the Centro de Cultura de Brasília/DF, with 47 members. We were welcomed by the coordinator of the Núcleo ESPERE/DF, Amélia and by Fr. Miguel-Jesuíta, Coordinator of the Cultural Center of Brasília. Then we were welcomed by the go. Nelly Boonen, articulator/coordinator of the ESPERE Brasil-REB Network.
We had a moment of integration, the report of activities carried out by the REB and the Nuclei was presented and group work was carried out. On July 1st, we started the day with a moment of mystique, training for the facilitators and with the group living together. We ended the day's activities with a moment of mystique coordinated by one of the members who belongs to the indigenous peoples - Gildo Kumuru. On July 2nd, after the mystic moment, referrals were made to the REB, perspective and evaluation. Thanks to the members of the articulating and welcoming team of the new REB articulation team, for the next two years.
We closed the meeting with a lot of willingness to continue being a presence that sows hope and transformation in society, and we had the grace of being able to conclude with a beautiful Eucharistic celebration.
Being ESPERE: Being a social transformation network.
Sr. Lusineide Cardoso de Melo, sjbp