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Building spaces of communion

The Parish of Saint Peter and Saint Paul of Terceira Légua, in Caxias do Sul/RS, where the Sisters of Jesus the Good Shepherd work, experienced several pastoral activities. These included: preparation for the First Eucharist, weekly catechesis with the catechumens, celebrations, parents' meeting, masses, activities and support for the family and catechists.

On November 20, the catechists received the sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. This was a powerful moment of preparation for the heart to receive Jesus in the Eucharist.

On Sunday, the Feast of Christ the King of the Universe, November 24, the First Eucharist was held at the São Pedro e São Paulo Parish Church. This was a very special moment for the six catechists, their families, and the entire community. The Mass was celebrated by the parish priest, Friar Jaime Betega. Praise God for the beautiful journey of faith and life. Now they were invited to participate more intensely with Jesus Christ and sent on a mission.

Other activities that took place were the assemblies in the communities. On November 23, at the Nossa Senhora de Caravaggio Community and on November 24, at the São Paulo Community – Terceira Légua.

The Assembly began with Holy Mass, a moment of gratitude to God for the life and journey of the Community. There was a moment of reflection on the mission of the leaders with the Community, on the following topics: what it means to be a Church today, in this historical time: in the family, community and society; the role of leadership in guiding the life of the community in the matter of goods, heritage, but very especially the care and cultivation of faith, unity, communion, fraternity, dialogue, values ​​that we cannot lose or leave for later. Maintaining strong ties and caring for the lives of people - families, the sick, the needy, young people, adults, the elderly and children. And walking together on the path of Jesus: yesterday, today and always.

The coordination reported on the activities carried out in the Community and invited everyone to continue the journey in communion. There was a thank you to the Team that led in 2024, encouraging and energizing the community's journey and welcoming the group that will continue to animate in 2024. The Celebrant blessed and sent on a mission, with God's blessing, the Team and all the participants. A moment of congratulations, gratitude, welcome and fellowship. Friar Irineu Trentin helped in the process and management of this moment.

May God be praised for the life and growth that has been happening in the Communities and the proposal of Hope for 2025, with the Jubilee in the Church.

sr Nilva Costella, sjbp


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