Memory of the first Christian communities
In the book, Acts of the Apostles, in several passages, it is emphasized that the apostles gathered in homes to pray and praise, give thanks and share bread; so it was that on May 18, the Eucharistic Celebration took place at the residence of Dona Maria Olinerva, in which her two sons and three daughters and a granddaughter participated. The mass was celebrated by the bishop of the Diocese of Jataí / GO, Dom Nélio Domingos Zortea, and was attended by Fr. Ronaldo Alexandre de Souza, parish priest of Nossa Senhora do Rosário Parish and the presence of the Pastorinhas Sisters Lusineide, Gertrudes and Selma.
The motivation to celebrate at Maria Olinerva's house was precisely for the Church (in the person of the Bishop, the Father and us religious), to raise their arms and voice in thanksgiving for the life of Dona Maria and for her generosity in share your gifts with the Jardim II community.
In his homily, Dom Nélio highlighted the importance of staying with Jesus, because whoever stays with Jesus will bear much fruit, Jesus must always be the center of our life. And he recalled that in the first Christian communities, celebrations were held in homes, as on this day when we were celebrating at Maria Olinerva's house.
Dom Nélio thanked the gesture of Dona Maria and her children, the dedication to the Maria Mãe de Deus community (in the Cidade Jardim II neighborhood – Jataí), a very needy sector; dedication in the construction of the Chapel, as well as the dynamism, the enthusiasm that Maria Oliverva has in being always ready to help, and many families received her visit in the missionary work, together with Sr. Ana Paiva.
With this joy, with this gesture of gratitude, we ask Our Lady Mother of God, the patroness of the Chapel (of the Cidade Jardim II neighborhood), to bless each one of us and especially all the families.
Mary Mother of God – pray for us!
Sr. Selma Aparecida, sjbp