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Writer's pictureSuore Pastorelle

Course on the Charism of the Pauline Family

From the 21st to the 31st of July of this year, at the house of the Pauline Sisters, in the city of São Paulo, the Course on the Charism of the Pauline Family took place, with the following participants: Paulines, Paulines, Pious Disciples of the Divine Master, Pastorelle and Cooperators of the Pauline family.

This course continues the previous modules, being programmed in three disciplinary areas: Historical, Theological and Charismatic. In this third module, we were able to appreciate the great events that marked the Pauline Family from the 1955s to the present day of this beautiful journey. This is a very important period, as it includes the Second Vatican Council, the death of the Founder, and the institutional reception of his Charismatic Heritage.

We feel how much we were and are blessed to be able to dive into this Charismatic Source, and we feel that we are called to continue, announcing with our life and mission this gift and charisma that we have freely received.

This course also strengthened the bonds of unity between the members of the Pauline Family, and we were left with the commitment to announce Jesus Master Pastor Way, Truth and Life to the world and also to strengthen that unity, so dear to Father Alberione: to live as a Family Paulina.

Sr. Conceição de Jesus, Sr. Renata Dalle Laste,

Sr. Rosa de Paula, Sr. Vera Lúcia Ribeiro, sjbp

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