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Writer's pictureSuore Pastorelle

Diocesan Meeting of Animation, Preparation and Training

2024 Brotherhood Campaign

On January 30, 2024, the new bishop Dom Joaquim Carlos de Carvalho, after celebrating Holy Mass, as has been happening every Tuesday of the month, held a meeting with all the collaborators of the Diocesan Curia, now as Bishop and not more as an administrator. Calling everyone to be an expression of the synodal Church, may the Curia always be the place of Encounter, of Welcome, of Listening, of Forgiveness.

On the 3rd and 4th of February 2024, the diocesan meeting of Animation, Preparation and Training for the Fraternity Campaign took place, with the theme: Fraternity and Social Friendship and the motto: “You are all brothers and sisters” (Mt 23, 8). The person who advised the meeting was Professor Luiz Inácio Schneider, which was attended by lay people, priests, religious men and women. It was a fraternal meeting and the advisor, when developing the theme based on the Base Text and the Encyclical Fratelli Tutti – on Fraternity and Social Friendship, brought many provocations, pointed out many problems that exist in our society, at the Brazilian and global level , and at the same time also highlighted a lot of hope, which permeates this issue of “SOCIAL FRIENDSHIP”.

Dom Joaquim introduced the meeting, highlighting that we need to always keep in mind that “we are all born from the heart of God, we exist because God wants it that way, therefore, we are all brothers”. The advisor continued, asking each person to read a sentence in which various authors defined what friendship is and to say their own name.

“A friend loves at all times and a brother is born in distress” (Proverb 17:17). “To achieve friendship with a worthy person, we need to develop in ourselves the qualities that we admire in that person” Socrates. These are examples of some phrases.

The advisor covered See and Judge, in a very current and dynamic way. On the night of the first day, Dom Joaquim, met only with the men and women religious, thanked him for the ring that the religious life of the Diocese of Jatai presented to him, on the occasion of his episcopal ordination, and then called for all the congregations to find ways to make themselves more visible in the life of the Church in the Diocese, encouraging greater commitment to the Vocations Animation Service at diocesan level.

On the second day, the advisor of the training meeting concluded the 'judge' part, indicating the 'act'. Several initiatives were presented that can be carried out to experience CF 2024. He concluded his speech with the song Prayer for my friends, by Padre Zezinho, scj: “Lord, bless my friends and give them peace!”

Dom Joaquim blessed everyone by sending missionaries.

Ir. Lusineide Cardoso de Melo, sjbp

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