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Writer's pictureSuore Pastorelle

Feast of Mary Mother of the Good Shepherd

Dear "Pastorelle" sisters scattered around the world, we are the "Pastorelle" of Negrar di Valpolicella - Verona. We want to share with you what we experienced on 03 September 2022, the Feast of Mary Mother of the Good Shepherd.

It was a special day, because in the morning a Montfortian Father visited the sick sisters, and gave Sister Flora the gift of anointing the sick. We then celebrated the animated Eucharist with songs and prayers, lived in serenity and so much joy.

In the afternoon we prayed the Holy Rosary, which Pope Paul VI defined as: "Gospel prayer centered on the mystery of the redemptive Incarnation. The Rosary is, therefore, a prayer with a clearly Christological orientation”.

Our intent was to unite with all of you sisters who are still in the various parishes, to feel in harmony with you, to pray with and for you and to place all your work under the protection of Mary Mother of Jesus the Good Shepherd.

After a brief introduction, to commemorate our Baptism, we lit a candle, drawing the light from the Paschal Candle. We then walked towards the garden singing an invocation to the Holy Spirit. There a panel was prepared with photos of the signs of Baptism (white robe, water, candle, Chrism oil and Catechumens).

At each Mystery of the Rosary we prayed for a particular intention: we all remembered children and adults who received the Sacrament of Baptism; all the spouses; people who have had the gift of receiving the Sacraments; the whole Church; children and adults who have received the sacrament of the Eucharist for the first time.

Arriving at the Marian Aedicule, we recited the Litany. Crowns crocheted by Sister Giuseppina Giovannini were then given to each sister, accompanied by the image of Mary Mother of Jesus the Good Shepherd, a mosaic from the mother house.

The community of Negrar di Valpolicella

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