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Francisco Lyceum Mission

From July 1 to 4 we have had the grace to participate in a Mission, from the San José Obrero Parish and the Francisco Lyceum in which we collaborate from the Pastoral. The Liceo Francisco has students from vulnerable contexts, and the participation of 30 students was an opportunity to share days of deep personal and spiritual growth.

We joined the proposal of the Stella Maris Lyceum of Montevideo with the presence of 100 young people from different realities and contexts than our young people from Paysandú, it was a great enriching exchange between them as well as the members of our chapels. These days we managed to visit and share moments full of love and brotherhood with the communities of Santo Domingo and Nazareth.

In each meeting it has been an opportunity to live with joy and enthusiasm a generous service, strengthening our faith from a culture of encounter as Pope Francis emphasizes that sounds current even to men today, too "accustomed to a culture of indifference." "and therefore in need of "working and asking for the grace to build the culture of encounter, of this fruitful encounter, of this encounter that restores to each person their own dignity as a child of God, the dignity of a living person."

Likewise, we have experienced when we look from the extremes of the peripheries a flavor of gospel that humanizes the interest in the other, decentering self-sufficiency and prompts us to leave our comfort zone and individualism that is very marked in our culture. This encourages us to renew hope in a God who first us, who always walks at our side, opening us to the newness that challenges us, and strengthens our commitment to walk together in faith with our brother.

Paysandú, Uruguay Community

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