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God calls us! Let's hear his voice...

August 7th, first Sunday of the vocational month, Sr. Sonia de Fatima Batagin, Sr. Adriana Fogaça and the cooperators: Edriana Eufrausina da Silva and Paulo, were in the future parish of São José de Anchieta, in Barueri – São Paulo, where Father Adinael Carlos Miguel is parish priest.

They participated in the Sunday Mass at 8:00 am, when they had the opportunity to talk about vocation. After the Eucharistic celebration, they met in a Municipal Elementary School, with a group of Confirmed, already in the concluding stage of Catechesis, as they will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on August 20th.

There were approximately 25 young people. The meeting was very dynamic and participatory. The subject addressed was the Call to Life and Christian Vocation. It was clear the responsibility of each one to give his answer, especially after receiving the sacrament of CRISMA.

At the end, there was a beautiful prayer with lights and the song “The Lord turns on lights when we need them”. There was great participation from everyone.

Let us thank God that these young people have reached the end of their preparation to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.

Sr. Adriana Fogaça, sjbp

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