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Writer's pictureSuore Pastorelle

JBP Province celebrates 85 years of existence of the Congregation

Burning hearts and feet on the path. Go from the local Church to the ends of the world!

We began on October 7, 2023, the birthday of our Congregation, gathered in prayer in the Betânia Community, with the sisters from the communities of Caxias do Sul, Provincial headquarters.

Remembering the chronicles of our humble beginnings in Genzano, on October 7, 1938, we renew Mary's generous yes in the plan of Salvation, we bless our vocation and the loving presence of the Shepherd God who led us step by step on the path.

Motivated by the day of Our Lady of the Rosary, Missionary Month and the Synodal Assembly of the Church, we pray together the missionary rosary in the intentions of the Congregation, in its 85 years of existence. In each mystery of the missionary rosary we brought present in our hearts and in prayer the Little Shepherds present on each of the continents.

At the end of the celebration, Sr. Vanda Bisato, provincial superior, read the message from the General Superior, Sr. Aminta Sarmiento Puentes, to the Congregation on that day. We join in prayer for the new governments of the Provinces of Brazil, São Paulo and Korea.

May the Lord of life continue to give each sister and each Pauline Cooperator a Pauline missionary heart, as the Church asks us at this time: “burning hearts, feet on the journey, go from the local Church, to the ends of the world”.

Sr. Suzimara B. de Almeida, sjbp

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