In the Chapel of Casa do Jardim, in São Paulo, dedicated to Mary, Mother of the Good Shepherd, under the presidency of Fr. Adinoel, from São José Anchieta Parish, Barueri/SP, we celebrated, on January 1, 2023, the renewal of the Religious Profession of Sr. Gabriele Camelo Moraes and the 60 years of Religious Life of the Sisters: Angela Biagioni, Aparecida Grandolfo, Gertrudes Duz, Letícia Lopes and Rosa Maria Gomes (in memoriam).
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. New Year! New hopes! New dreams! We started the year 2023 under the eyes of Maria, our good Shepherdess!
Many of us accompanied the Jubilandas throughout this long journey. We are witnesses to the love and generosity of each one. How much good was accomplished by where they experienced pastoral mission. How much good they still do in the places where they are inserted.
60 YEARS! Can we count how many 'YES' came from these generous hearts? We can imagine the countless overcomes, joys, challenges, how many tears must have been shed on this long journey. However, how much love has always flooded these hearts. Love learned from Jesus the Good Shepherd, learned on the Cross, in personal encounters with God and in fraternal relationships with the People. 60 years of love, perseverance and fidelity!
When renewing religious vows for the first time, Sr. Gabriele referred us to the countless times that each of us renewed our commitments to Jesus Good Shepherd and his people.
Blessed be God for the life of each one!
Blessed be God for having chosen our Congregation and our Province!
Blessed be God for so much donation, for so many testimonies, for so much dedication.
Blessed be God for so much generosity!
Blessed be God!
Sr. Maria Sueli Berlanga, sjbp