On May 29, 2022, the second visit was made to the Parish of Nossa Senhora Mãe da Igreja, in Barueri/SP, where Father Adinael Carlos Miguel is parish vicar. It was an afternoon of formation for young people, with the theme “Witnesses of the Kingdom of God”. There were about twenty participants.
This training was under the responsibility of Cooperators Frederico Deslandes Junior and Maria Josineide Bezerra da Silva Carvalho, accompanied by Sisters Sônia de Fátima Batagin and Adriana Fogaça. Taking advantage of the opportunity, the Sisters also spoke about the Testimony of Consecrated Religious at the service of the Kingdom, illustrating with various banners of the Pastorelle Sisters. It was a very rewarding afternoon, which ended with the Eucharistic celebration.
Sr. Sônia de Fátima Batagin, sjbp