The Lord is my Shepherd, I lack nothing...
On the Solemnity of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, Jesus consecrated us through Religious Profession and we pronounced our "yes", asking for faithfulness and perseverance to Jesus the Good Shepherd and the courage of these two apostles, as Father Julio proposed to us Roncancio, Provincial Superior, ssp in the homily.

The joy of religious consecration, celebrated in the Chapel of the Society of Saint Paul, was united with that of the Pauline Brothers, in particular with Cesar, who experienced Perpetual Profession.
We sincerely thank the America Hispana Province, especially the community of Bogotá and Sr. Mirina Ibarra, Provincial Superior, who opened the doors to us, not only of her house, but also of her heart, giving us the best means and spaces, so that we could live and enjoy our experience of Jesus and the Novitiate in these two years.
Through the intercession of Mary, Mother of the Good Shepherd, of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul and of Blessed Giacomo Alberione, we wish to live our consecration with love and joy.
Before the Celebration we experienced a moment of encounter with the Lord, in the Spiritual Exercises led by Sr. Raquel Mary Mari Arevalo, which were a time of grace and profound preparation, lived in silence and prayer.
sr Mimí Amisse Viagem e sr Marta Antonio Walussa
What a blessing for our Congregation and for the Church! Congratulations Marta and Mimí.