Marta and Mimì's First Religious Profession
The Lord is my Shepherd, I lack nothing... On the Solemnity of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, Jesus consecrated us through Religious...
Marta and Mimì's First Religious Profession
Apostolic Experience of the Novices
Saint Joseph, Model of every Vocation
Provincial Chapter – Phase II
25 years of consecrated life
Missionary Experience: “the road that leads to Bethlehem”
25 Years of Dedication and Fidelity
Religious Profession as Pauline Family
1st Chapter - Hispanic America Province
First Expanded Provincial Council
Spiritual Exercises and Entrance to the Novitiate
Ejercicios Espirituales de las Novicias
Primera Profesión Religiosa
Inicios de la Provincia América Hispana
Fiesta De Jesús Buen Pastor