“The Spirit of God is upon me.”
Isa 61.1
With our own joy echoing the words of the Prophet Isaias, from December 14 to 23, 2023, an accompaniment mission was carried out before Christmas at the invitation of Father Edgar Sánchez (Jesús Sacerdote Institute), in the municipality of Vélez located south of the department of Santander (Colombia) in the surrounding areas of: Gualilo and Cuba.

There a challenging reality was found due to the forgetfulness of its leaders, the lack of literacy, mining exploitation, indiscriminate logging and the lack of a place to deposit waste; but at the same time it is a beautiful land because it is deeply rich in its cultivation of cocoa, snacks and livestock production.
Those in charge of accompanying this mission were Pos. Linda Mariana and Sisters. Mariel and Paula who felt renewed in the pastoral charisma; Awakening in the heart the need for closeness from the prayerful encounter with people, starting from listening to their story reflecting the need they have for the Good Shepherd for their search for commitment and forgiveness in the midst of vicissitudes, the Word was shared with them. of God, the Holy Communion with an open look like Mary who welcomes families from her simplicity, internalizing the words of the Alberione “Prepare yourselves for your mission with the help of the Virgin: She will give you heavenly science, the ability to bring souls to God.” (So, p. 43).
Meetings were held with children and families motivating them from some values such as: Contemplation, mercy, life, listening, light, inspiration, care of the common home, fraternity and love. The elderly, people in a situation of illness, functional and dysfunctional families, families of other religious denominations were also visited; always counting on the willingness of people to accompany the missionaries. In the villages there is a concern for young people since many go out to the city to have better study opportunities and the few who are there wonder about their faith, basing it only on sacramentals, without seeking a deep experience of God.
After this time of grace, the words of Fr. Alberione can be confirmed in our lives as Pastoresses: “Their mission is so beautiful that the Lord cannot do less than bless them.” (So, p. 20)
Hnas. Mariel Vargas Chacín, Paula Torrijos Berrío, sjbp y Postulante Linda Mariana Prada