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Writer's pictureSuore Pastorelle

Provincial Chapter – Phase II

With the desire to share, with all the sisters of the Province, what was experienced in the 10CG and to carry out our Programming together, the Provincial Assembly was held in 3 locations, with a common program and on different dates, due to the diversity of countries and due to geographical distances. The first headquarters was in Bogotá – Colombia, where the sisters from Colombia, Venezuela and Mexico participated, from January 2 to 7, 2024. The second headquarters was in Buenos Aires – Argentina, from January 10 to 15 and all the sisters from Argentina, Uruguay and Bolivia and finally the third headquarters in Lima – Peru, from January 22 to 27 and the sisters from Peru, Cuba and Chile participated. Each assembly with the opportunity to live the Spiritual Exercises. On January 28, a virtual meeting was held with all the sisters of the Province to present the provincial programming that we had prepared together, and let it be known in its modifications, welcomed and assumed by all.

The motto that brought us together was “Weaving together a Kairós of fraternity”, an invitation TODAY to grow in communion, in unity, in fraternity, to make our communities fabrics of different colors and threads, for the diversity of cultures, but that express the beauty of reconciled relationships that enrich the Congregation, the Church. Be artisans of love and fraternity wherever we find ourselves.

The first part of our Chapter was dedicated to listening to the path of the Congregation during the previous six-year period and the life of our Province since it was created until today. The day was lived in thanksgiving for the presence of God and the opportunity to experience his compassion and tenderness up close.

The second day was a time to pray and share, a day of reflection accompanied by invited people. The lectio divina on Phil 2, 5-11 enlightened us and motivated us to “have among ourselves the same feelings of Christ Jesus.” The second topic of reflection was: “Caring for the relational dimension: the art of being sisters.”

The summary of the sheet on “the gift of fraternity” worked on by all the sisters and young people in formation of the Province was welcomed and which helped us realize how we are living our community life and how we want to live it for the future.

Subsequently, the “Programmatic Document” of the Congregation was received, with the priorities and lines of action of each area and which helped us to concretize it in our Provincial Programming. Then we took some time to also look at the economic situation of the Province and the knowledge and approval of the Constituency Economic Project (PEC) and some various matters of interest to the Province.

The Provincial Chapter in its second phase was held in a climate of prayer, discernment, respect, welcome, and joy for the encounter. It has been a space that has renewed and encouraged us in our life as Pastorcitas and has encouraged us in our efforts to become integrated, missionary and vocational communities.

Sisters of the Hispanic America Province

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