At the end of the second phase of the Provincial Chapter of the América Hispana Province, when we celebrated the Epiphany of the Lord in Colombia, on Sunday, January 7, at the Provincial headquarters of Bogotá we gave thanks to God in the Eucharist, for the 25th Anniversary of Religious Profession of Sr. Luisa Melania Caguana. At a time when we were all together, Sister. Luisa Melania made grateful memory of all these years lived in grace and fidelity to Jesus the Good Shepherd, for the sisters who have accompanied her formative path, for those with whom she has shared her vocational path and for the significant pastoral events during this time.

Also the sisters: Fanny Posada, María Yamile Chavarría, Blanca Lilia Santana and María Corteza Lapadula, have celebrated their 45 years of Religious Consecration. Father Julio Roncancio, Provincial Superior of the Pauline Fathers and Brothers, focused the homily on Jesus the Son of God who manifests himself in the weakness of a Child and on the star of Bethlehem, which inspired the kings and which represents the light of Jesus who has guided all humanity and the vocational path of our sisters. We were accompanied by some members of the Pauline Family, Cooperators and relatives. After this we shared a snack with all the guests.
Sr. Nora Elena Herrera Castrillon, sjbp