“The Lord has done great things with us and we are happy”.
(Psalm 126,3)
With the words of the psalmist who invites us to have a grateful and joyful heart, in an atmosphere of communion and fraternity, on March 19, under the protection of Saint Joseph, in Bogotá - Colombia, the novices Gabriela Alejandra Cavallero, Micaela Natividad Velis and Evelin Janet Alejandra Villarroel, celebrated their First Religious Profession, as Little Pastor Sisters committed to temporary vows, together with two young people from the Society of Saint Paul, Farud Ignacio and Miguel Ángel, who celebrated their Perpetual Profession.

The celebration was held in the San Pablo temple, as a sign of unity of the Pauline Family that our Founder so desired. He received the vows, on behalf of the Church and the Congregation, Sr. Mirina Ibarra, Provincial Superior. We rejoice for these young people who with dedication, love and joy have reaffirmed their YES to Christ Master and Shepherd, to know him, love him and live him as Way, Truth and Life, in the midst of his people and in community.
We quote the words of the newly professed: “On this path we have undertaken, we recognize as a gift our sisters of the Congregation who are signs of their presence in our lives. For this reason, we want to thank you for your welcome, accompaniment and so many gestures of brotherhood. Especially to our teacher. Hna. Nora Herrera who, with her testimony of prayer and availability, has edified and encouraged us in the search for God's will during these two years. To our families, the womb where our vocation was gestated and was guarded with love. Thank you for her presence and accompaniment, even from a distance, for the unconditional love that sustains, strengthens and encourages us. To the Pauline Family, our brothers and sisters, with whom our founder, Blessed James Alberione, has thought of us with the same spiritual and apostolic project. We thank you for your presence and closeness, reflected today in this celebration where the YES of some is a reason for joy for all. In turn, we express our gratitude to priests and religious who have accompanied us in spiritual direction, in discernment and with the sacraments... And in this desire to grow, becoming mothers and sisters of all, manifested in love for the people of God , entrusted to us, we thank the parish communities that have allowed us to have this experience. Those where we come from and those who have welcomed us in these formative years. They have been true theological places for each one of us”.
Sr. Mirina Ibarra, sjbp