From June 20 to 26, 2022, we experienced a time of Spiritual Exercises in preparation for Marta Antonio Walussa and Mimí Amisse Viagem, two young people from the Italy-Albania-Mozambique Province, entering the Novitiate. Hna. Luz Mary Oliveros guided these days, focusing the reflection on the Letter to the Galatians, helping us to set as an objective: "Until Christ is formed in me" (cf. Gal. 4,19), to get with this to experience, as the Apostle Paul, suffering with Christ, who loves us and has given himself for humanity; to let it be Himself, the one who loves, lives and acts in each one. In addition, it was an occasion to discern and give meaning to the life of communion with Jesus the Good Shepherd, to the vocation and life option, to seek the will of God and promote the path of conversion.

Marta and Mimí entered the novitiate on June 28 at the Headquarters of the América Hispana Province, in the city of Bogotá (Colombia), where the International Novitiate is also located, during the celebration of the third day of the Triduum in preparation for the Solemnity of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul and with the participation of some sisters of the community.
It was a reason for joy and hope for all because we see that the Good Shepherd continues to bless us with vocations in the Congregation. We pray for the perseverance of these young women who begin this new stage in their formative journey as Pastorelle Sisters, accompanied by Sr. Nora Elena Herrera Castrillón, teacher of Novices.
Comunidad Formativa – Noviciado Internacional