Let us give thanks to God! To Him all our praise!
And this is how the Community of Adrianópolis ended the week from August 27th to September 1st, 2023. During this missionary-vocational week, we were in 08 schools in the surrounding municipalities: Ribeira (1 school), Itaóca (3 schools) and Adrianópolis ( 4 schools), reaching around a thousand students.

The work carried out in schools covered all high school grades, with the objectives:
Value life;
Provide elements so that young people can assume their leading role;
Help and encourage the dreams of youth;
Discover the dreams of youth.
The members of the Team, formed by Sisters Rosilene de Lima, Angela Biagioni and Maria Sueli Berlanga and our lay brother Tom (from Eldorado), who will be part of our community, worked in harmony on the topics, helping each other. It was a week of prayers, work, sharing and lots of laughter. Just a joy!
We highlight Tom's testimony, who shared with the students, in each room, his dreams, changes, decisions and the ways to achieve them.
From this work, 12 girls expressed their desire to learn more about the life and mission of the Little Shepherd Sisters. Others expressed their desire not to get married, and we will also contact them to see if they want any guidance.
God enlighten these young women and bless our Congregation!
Sr. Maria Sueli Berlanga, sjbp