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New Candidates for Pauline Cooperators

On May 25, 2024, the group of Cooperators of the Paulina Family of Eldorado/SP, received with lots of love and affection the new candidates for Cooperators of the Paulina Family. The meeting took place in the church hall of the São Benedito community, in the Vila Nova-Esperança neighborhood in Eldorado/SP.

The group of Eldorado cooperators welcomed the new candidates, sharing their experiences of the call to follow Jesus the Good Shepherd, with the challenges that face us, Pauline cooperators.

A collective presentation was made, where each cooperator spoke about their experience, and the new candidates were also introduced, who spoke a little about their expectations for this call.

Soon after, they were divided into two groups; one with the new candidates and the existing group. The meeting was attended by Sister Seli Rico, who came to lead the new group. The old group continued the study of the new statute of the Pauline Family.

At the end of the meeting, a collective snack was shared. It was a lively afternoon! We thank the Good Shepherd for these moments that strengthen our faith and commitment.

 Rodrigo Marinho da Silva

Coordinator of the Pauline Cooperators of Eldorado

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