On the 15th of November at 2:00 pm, our spiritual retreat took place in the Mãe Rainha community, in the parish of São João Batista and Santa Isabel, Bairro Chã da Jaqueira, Maceió/AL. We have the assistance of Sr. Sônia de Fátima Batagin, Provincial Superior of the Province of Padre Tiago Alberione, based in São Paulo and Sr. Ana Maria Paiva, sjbp.

The advisor developed a prayerful and profound reflection on our commitment as Cooperators of the Pauline Family. Veterans and new candidates were present who were preparing to assume before the parish community (Church) and the Pastorelle Sisters, their promises to be salt and light of the earth.
Sister Sonia provoked us to reflect: who are we? What is our mission as a Pauline Cooperator? Am I a man/woman of hope? Have I been a sign of transformation in the environment where I live? These are questions that disturbed and provoked us. We left the retreat reflective, but hopeful of continuing firm and strong, writing our stories, changes and hopes on the ground of our communities.
The new seven (7) candidates fulfilled their promises on November 16, 2022, during the mass presided over by the parish priest, Father Jan Carlos Costa, in the main church of the Parish. The priest reinforced our presence and mission as lay people in the Pauline Family, and with such a particular charism.
We also bring gifts, in a very grateful and nostalgic way, to all the Pastorelle Sisters who sowed this missionary ardor in us, the patron saints St. Peter and St. Paul and Blessed James Alberione.
Marilene Ozana Laurindo
Cooperator Paulina