Our Lady of Guia Parish – Eldorado – Diocese of Registro/SP
Sunday: GOOD SHEPHERD day!
On April 30, 2023, the celebration of the promises of the Cooperators of the Pauline Family took place, in the São Benedito chapel of the Serrinha community, in the municipality of Eldorado/SP.
The ceremony took place after five years of meetings, in preparation for the pledges, and pastoral mission. Biblical studies and preparation and formation work during this period were conducted by the Pastorelle Sisters: Maria Sueli Berlanga, Angela Biagioni and Daniela Vasconcelos.
The Eucharistic Celebration was presided over by Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Registro, Dom José Luiz Bertanha, who read the Gospel text where Jesus, the Good Shepherd, knows his sheep and they, in turn, recognize His voice and respond to the his call, to work in the mission of the Kingdom of God, together with his community and the poorest and most needy.
The Cooperators Antônio Carlos Nicomedes, Daiana Cristina da Cunha Gomes de Sá, Dora Lúcia da Silva, Geni Ferreira da Silva, Leonila Priscila da Costa Pontes, Luciana da Glória Pupo, Lourdes Filomena Nicomedes Ramos, Maria Aparecida Ponciano da Cruz, Rodrigo Marinho Rodrigues, Sueli Ponciano Cunha, Virginia da Conceição Costa, promised to follow in the footsteps of Blessed Tiago Alberione, founder of the great Pauline Family, made up of 5 Congregations and 5 Secular Institutes; they also promised to announce and spread the Gospel in the form and spirit of the Pauline Family.
Sister Sonia de Fátima Batagin, Superior of the Province of Padre Alberione, based in São Paulo, on behalf of the Congregation of the Sisters of Jesus Bom Pastor – Pastorelle, received the promises of the new Cooperators.
At the ceremony, the 11 new Cooperators were given: the badge, the statute of the Association of Pauline Cooperators, the Pauline Family Prayer Book and the membership card.
In addition to the community, friends and family of the Cooperators, Pastorelle Sisters, Frederico (for us simply Fred) was also present, representing the Association of Pauline Cooperators, it was a special grace.
To the Cooperators, our wishes of fidelity and missionary ardor on this journey. May the Good Shepherd always be our safe haven!
Fabiana Ximenes Libório e Ewerton Libório