The Pastorelle Sisters of the Province of Fr. Alberione, based in São Paulo, met in Assembly from the 21st to the 28th of January, encompassing various events: sharing how the communities lived through this period of pandemic; review of the contents and conclusions of the 8th Interchapter; presentation of the reports of the last Provincial Government and the transmission of the Evangelical Service of the Authority; celebration of the First Religious Profession of Gabriele Camelo de Moraes and the Silver Jubilees of Religious Profession of Sr. Rosilda de Lima and the Diamond Jubilee of Sr. Bertila Picelli; ending with the Provincial Planning for the year 2022 and the meeting of the expanded Provincial Council.

Transmission of the Authority's Evangelical Service
After the presentation of the reports of the last Province Government, according to the four programmatic areas, held on January 21 and 22, on the Sunday of the Word, instituted by Pope Francis, January 23, during the Eucharistic celebration presided over by Father Valdez Dalla Agnese, there was the transmission of the Authority's Evangelical Service to the new Provincial Government team.
The entrance procession was preceded by the Bible, followed by the Rule of Life that guides our walk, and the symbols of service: basin and towel for washing feet and the sandal of missionary availability; it also accompanied the light of 'hope' that is lit every day and the rosary, which places us under the protection of the Pastor, a model of pastoral motherhood.
In a prayerful and emotional atmosphere, thanks were expressed to the group that completed this service: Sisters Maria de Fátima Piai, Maria de Lourdes Lara, Amélzia da Soledade Dias and Elenir Agustini, as well as renewed hope for those who assumed this new responsibility: Sr. Sonia de Fátima Batagin, Provincial Superior, Sisters Maria de Lourdes Lara, Amélzia da Soledade Dias, Daniela Vasconcelos and Rosilene de Lima, councilors. May the Holy Spirit enlighten the new Provincial Team that will exercise this ministry for the next four years.
8th Interchapter
The content elaborated from the evaluation and reflections of the triennium was presented, which will be the object of study and sharing in the communities during this year. The greatest appeal is that we can all experience the prophecy of pastoral motherhood, with a new missionary impulse, reaching out to suffering humanity.
It was also communicated on the Process of Wisdom Reading of the Charisma (LSC) and handed over the First Sheet, prepared by the responsible team, which also puts us on the path of preparation for the 10th General Chapter.
Provincial Planning
After celebrating with joy at the Feast of the Conversion of São Paulo, Religious Profession and Jubilees, on Wednesday, the 26th, we had a morning of training on the analysis of the current situation, with Professor and theologian Fernando Altemeyer Junior. It was an important moment to take a broad look at the Brazilian reality, and then proceed with our planning. This is how the Provincial Plan was drawn up, in communion with the General Plan of the Congregation, always in line with the guidelines of Pope Francis, for a Synodal Church, which marks our path towards the 10th General Chapter, which will be held in the middle of the year 2023. .
At various times, throughout the Assembly, communities had the opportunity to share how they lived through this period of pandemic, the challenges faced and achievements in the change of methodology and better use of the media.
The Assembly ended on the 28th, with the meeting of the Expanded Provincial Council and the concluding Eucharistic Celebration, presided over by Fr. João Paulo da Silva, ssp.
May Jesus Bom Pastor and Maria Pastora, his and our mother, lead us in community life and in the mission, so that we may be faithful to the end, in love and in our vocational commitment, being creative and courageous to face the challenges that present themselves to each day.
Sr. Inácia Josefa dos Santos e Sr. Bertila Picelli, sjbp