After six years of governments that ignored traditional peoples, the quilombolas are once again making their demands known to the government.

The quilombolas of Vale do Ribeira/Paraná, aware that there will be many disputes in this current mandate and taking advantage of the beginning of the government, scheduled a meeting with INCRA Nacional in the Regional Paraná, which took place on 06/05/2023, in Bairro Porto Novo/ PR.
The meeting was attended by around 70 quilombola leaders, including those from the communities of Porto Velho, Cangume and Ivaporunduva, located in the State of São Paulo. From Paraná, the following communities were present: João Surá, Porto Velho, Córrego das Moças, Sete Barras (Adrianópolis), Paiol de Telhas (Guarapuava), Varzeão (Dr. Ulisses) and Ouro Verde (Guarçouba). The Communities of São João, Córrego dos Franco, Estreitinho, Três Canais (Adrianópolis) and Areia Branca (Bocaiuva do Sul) were mobilized, but were unable to participate due to lack of access, since the creation of the Lauraceae State Park left these communities with access only through the Municipality of Barra do Turvo/SP.
Representing INCRA were Oriel Rodrigues Moraes, born in Ivaporunduva, who holds the position of Coordinator of the Quilombola sector of INCRA Nacional; Nilton Guedes, superintendent of Paraná and Homero, anthropologist from INCRA Paraná.
In addition to updating the reality of Incra, which was left dismantled and with practically no budget for land regularization, he was informed about the status of the processes of the communities within INCRA. In Paraná, there are 39 quilombola processes, which are in different stages: from those communities that already have the Technical Report of Identification and Delimitation (RTID), to those that have not even been created.
According to Oriel, there are six communities in Vale do Ribeira (PR and SP), whose processes will be forwarded shortly to the President of the Republic, so that they are signed and the procedure for regularization and removal of third parties begins, which will be compensated at market value .
The meeting was the first step to put the quilombola demands of Vale do Ribeira back on the agenda, which still have a long way to go before the territory is regularized. Quilombolas are very willing to continue claiming their rights. Let's charge INCRA Paraná.
The start was given. We will reach Victory!
Sr. Maria Sueli Berlanga, sjbp