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Regional Meetings of Pauline Cooperators - 2022

Writer's picture: Suore PastorelleSuore Pastorelle

The Cooperator has the same ideal as Jesus: to kindle the fire of God's love in every soul and in the whole world... collaborate... to make the Gospel reach the most remote corners of the world, and therefore kindle in the minds of men the light of faith and the fire of love”.

(CP, p. 209).

Small drops, all united, spouting the life that comes from the Source of the Master Shepherd

The Province of Jesus Bom Pastor - Caxias do Sul headquarters - had the honor of holding again, after two pandemic years, the Regional Meetings of Pauline Cooperators "Amigos de Jesus Bom Pastor", with the theme: PAULIN COOPERATORS: WALKING TOGETHER IN THE PAULINA FAMILY BUILDING A SYNODAL CHURCH.

All the groups had two preparatory meetings, for the deepening and reflection of how we, Pauline Cooperators, can Walk Together as Channels that Radiate Christ to the World, recognizing in the Cooperators of Paul, the various cooperators today, who work in the different expressions of the apostolate of the Pauline family.

The climax took place with the Regional Face-to-Face Meetings, where joy and hope prevailed, reviving the flame of the charism in all the participants. In Mato Grosso do Sul, it was held on September 18, bringing together the Cooperators from Anastácio, Bodoquena and Campo Grande. In Rio Grande do Sul, it took place last Sunday, September 25, in Caxias do Sul – headquarters of the Congregation of the Little Shepherd Sisters. Of the 12 groups in this region, only the one from Canela/RS was unable to participate in person. We had representatives from Bento Gonçalves/RS, Boa Vista/RR, Cascavel/PR, Conceição do Tocantins/TO, Pinhais/PR, Santana do Livramento/RS, Porto Alegre/RS and Caxias do Sul/RS: Jesus Mestre – Santos Apostles – Holy Trinity and Third League.

This year, we have the illustrious presence of the Superior General of the Pastorelle Sisters, Sr. Aminta Sarmiento Puentes, on a Canonical visit to the Provinces of Brazil, which left us a strong message: “Participating in this meeting with you, since the morning, I have two feelings inside me: joy and hope. Because? For all I've heard from you this day. (…) That you all feel that Blessed Alberione is a man of the Spirit and that each of you is invited to hear the Holy Spirit today, in a Church that walks together. That we are all and want to be an outgoing Church and, therefore, a missionary Church, open to the needs of all. Joy, because you understand that we are all part of one body, equal in the dignity of baptism and different in our gifts and charisms. Let us all walk together in the Pauline Family serving the Church. It was a joy to realize your conviction that you share the pastoral charism of the Little Shepherds, but also with all the apostolates of the Pauline Family (…) Thank you for your warm, fraternal, simple welcome. You are a reason for joy and hope, not only for us Pastorelle, but for the entire Pauline Family. Count on our prayers and closeness. Continue to grow in holiness and in numbers. Thanks!" The beloved Pastorelle Sisters enhanced and helped in our meeting. under the shepherding of the Provincial Superior, Sr Vanda Bisato.

In deepening the theme, we had the speech of the Cooperator Paulino Fernando Geronazzo, through a videoconference. This one brought profound propositions, echoing the studies carried out in the meetings in preparation for this day, as well as subtly presenting us with nuances of the new Pauline Cooperators Statute, which was recently launched and will soon be the subject of our deepening. He reminded us that “belonging to the Pauline Family, we need to share experiences, because our charism is the same, we are called to live as a family in this communion, participation and mission with the apostolates”, understanding every day that we are baptized, who wish to live the Cor Pauline in a more intense way. He helped us to understand that it is necessary “to be a presence of the Pauline Family, where the other members cannot or cannot reach… To be Paul today, because all our apostolate fronts converge on the triad that Pope Francis calls communion, participation and mission. The Pauline Family was born synodal.”

The meeting was further strengthened by the two very strong moments: the Eucharistic Visit and the Holy Mass. “Live on the Word and the Eucharist!”

We concluded our regional meetings this year, in Mato Grosso do Sul and Rio Grande do Sul, full of joy and gratitude to God, who allowed us to meet again in person so, strengthened, to continue together in the Pauline Family, contributing to the building of a synodal Church .

JGS Province Coordination Team:

Márcia, Nilziany, Ricardo, Rosane, Ir. Salette e Ir. Suzimara

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