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Writer's pictureSuore Pastorelle

Religious Life – Source of Blessings

On August 18, 2024, the third Sunday of August, on which the Church in Brazil celebrates the Assumption of Our Lady, Christians are called to pray for Consecrated Life.

On this day, we had the joy of participating in the Eucharistic celebration with the group of Candidates for the permanent diaconate, which took place in the Chapel of Our Lady of Guadalupe, of the Divine Holy Spirit Institute – Diocesan Curia. Sister Selma participated in the Pilgrimage of Catechists to Trindade/GO, Sanctuary of the Divine Eternal Father, and we also had the joy of having Sister Maria Sueli Berlanga, our Provincial Superior, visit our community. The words of our Bishop, in the celebration of this day so significant for all Religious Life:

The Diocese of Jataí/GO, in its simplicity and with great zeal, at the request of its Pastor, Dom Joaquim Carlos de Carvalho-OSB, had been preparing for the celebration of this day, using the Pastoral of Communication, PASCOM, which recorded some videos, portraying the reality of religious life, both female and male, present in this diocesan Church. All the Congregations were able to record some short videos, but rich in details about the Congregation, about the founder and the work in the Diocese of Jataí/GO.

The day dedicated to the recordings was a great opportunity for the Congregations to get to know each other better, with good interaction among the members present, being a festive and very relaxed moment, a blessed moment, marked by the simplicity and joy of those who truly give their lives in following Jesus Christ, in the service of the Kingdom of God.

At the request of our bishop, the videos are being disseminated via radio stations and social networks, of the Diocese and the respective Congregations.

Sister Selma Aparecida de Souza and Sister Lusineide Cardoso de Melo, from the Community of Jataí/GO, present the Sisters of Jesus Good Shepherd - Little Shepherds and their mission in this particular Church.

For everything we give thanks to God the Shepherd, for the gift of our Consecration in Religious Life.

Sr. Lusineide Cardoso de Melo, sjbp

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