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Writer's pictureSuore Pastorelle

Sharing Chapter Experiences

We warmly welcomed the two Chapter members: Sr. Sônia de Fátima Batagin and Sr. Maria Sueli Berlanga and the observer Sr. Rosilda de Lima, who shared with us a little of what they experienced at the X General Chapter, celebrated in Rome, from 29/06 to 16/07/2023.

On 07/21, in the community of Jardim das Pastorinhas, with the presence of 25 Sisters and other communities that participated online, the capitulants presented the dynamics of the X Chapter, highlighting the serene, prayerful, committed atmosphere that prevailed throughout the event. They also shared about the Audience with Pope Francis, the visit to the Regina Apostolorum Church, where the body of Blessed Alberione is located, the Museum of our Founder and other pilgrimages in Rome, as well as the visit to the community of Albano – Mother House. Everything was presented with great enthusiasm and received with great satisfaction by the Sisters present and far away. It was a very special moment that motivated us to accept the objective for the next sexennium and the proposals that are yet to come, as well as all the content reflected during those days.

We thank Sisters Sônia, Sueli and Rosilda for their availability and affection in transmitting, including the projection of photos, the main events that they had the opportunity to experience.

Sr. Bertila Picelli,sjbp

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